Spring Budget 2021 “We will recover”

Posted by siteadmin on Tuesday 9th of March 2021


Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, delivered his second Budget on 3 March declaring that "we will recover". The key fiscal event, which had been delayed from the Autumn due to the pandemic, centred on a £65bn three-part plan designed to continue supporting British people and businesses through the pandemic, ‘fix’ the public finances once recovery begins and lay the foundations for the future.

Economic Forecasts
The Chancellor revealed the latest forecasts produced by the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) which provide ho...

How to prove your income for a mortgage?

Posted by siteadmin on Friday 5th of February 2021

Proving your income for a mortgage


With Covid-19 rules changing almost daily, extensions to furloughs and local and national lockdowns many are facing money worries this winter. If you’re trying to get a mortgage and want to push your property transaction through before the Stamp Duty holiday ends, how do you prove your income – especially if it has temporarily been reduced due to furlough or short-time work?

For those who remain on furlough or have otherwise seen their income temporarily reduce, providing proof of income to mortgage le...

Should I get a Survey?......

Posted by siteadmin on Thursday 31st of December 2020

Do I really need a survey? Well, the short answer is yes.

Contrary to costs such as legal fees, estate agency fees or Stamp Duty, having your new home surveyed isn’t actually compulsory. However, with a property being the most expensive thing most of us will ever buy, the price of not having it checked by a surveyor could be devastating.

If you buy a property and later find it has serious defects, it could be too late to back out of the purchase or renegotiate a price with your seller. You’re also likely to find yourself paying out t...

Getting Mortgage Ready

Posted by siteadmin on Thursday 5th of November 2020

Getting mortgage-ready

Buying a home takes careful preparation and planning. As well as finding a property you like, you need to get your finances in good order before lenders review them and assess your ability to make repayments on your loan.

Save up
During the recent lockdown, many lenders pulled their ‘high loan-to-value (LTV)’ products which typically only require a deposit of 5% or 10% (often first-time buyers) to take out a mortgage. The good news is that lenders are returning to the high LTV market, but you may need to act qui...

About to Exchange Contracts....Are you Insured?

Posted by siteadmin on Thursday 10th of September 2020

Purchasing a property can be a busy, stressful time and it can seem like there are a million things to remember. Some things however, are more important to remember than others – for example, getting the right insurance in place at the right time.

Many people believe that they only need to take out buildings insurance once they move into their new home. However, this is not the case. It can come as a surprise to find out that, in most cases, the responsibility for insuring the property becomes the buyer’s as soon as contracts are exchanged....

Good time to Re-Mortgage

Posted by siteadmin on Thursday 2nd of July 2020

Now could be a good time to remortgage

Mortgage rates are now at record low levels, following two Bank of England rate cuts in March to bring the base rate down to 0.1%.

Borrowers on a tracker, discounted or variable rate mortgage may have already benefited from this rate drop, but those borrowers whose mortgage deal is nearing its end, or those currently on an uncompetitive standard variable rate (SVR), should review their situation as there are some very competitive products on the market, with potential savings to be had.


It's good to talk

Posted by siteadmin on Wednesday 6th of May 2020

While, for many, discussions about money can be extremely uncomfortable, experts have long stressed the best approach to financial issues is invariably to talk about them. Indeed, perceived wisdom suggests the more open and honest people are about money, the better their life and relationships tend to be.

Talk to us

As with most things in life, it’s usually easier to figure out financial problems if you talk them through with someone you trust. Discussing issues with those people that matter to you can help get things into perspective and ...

What to expect from the next Budget

Posted by siteadmin on Tuesday 14th of January 2020

he planned Budget last November was cancelled in the run-up to the election. The chancellor Sajid Javid has announced the next Budget will take place on Wednesday 11 March.

The chancellor has pledged to tackle the cost of living and tear up strict budget rules to hike borrowing for infrastructure spending. He will use the Budget to:

  • Fulfil government pledges on tax to “help tackle the cost of living for hard-working people.”
  • “Level up” economic performance in struggling towns in northern England and the Midlands
  • “Build on” recent annou...